There are a few things you should do immediately after suffering a personal injury. These can help with making your case go as simply and smoothly as possible. Here are a few of the first steps you should take when you pursue a personal injury case.
Get Medical Treatment
First and foremost, seek proper medical treatment. In an emergency, call an ambulance. The other details of a personal injury case can be determined after you and any others involved in the accident are safe. Be sure to keep any evidence of medical expenses, these will be useful in proving your claim.
Contact the Police
The police must be contacted whenever an accident results in an injury or damage to property. The police report will be vital in documenting the accident. In many cases, the police report will also specify fault, which should simplify your case.
Retain an Injury Lawyer
Injury law can be a complicated area to understand. An experienced injury lawyer will be necessary in successfully pursuing your personal injury case. They can allow you to receive compensation for medical expenses, loss of wages, and even pain and suffering. Obtain the services of a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law.
Initial Demand Letter
Before the case proceeds further, your attorney will draft an initial demand letter. This letter will outline the facts of the case from your viewpoint as well as notify the potential defendant that you intend to pursue a claim. After the initial demand letter has been sent, the case may proceed.
In many cases, you may want to attempt an early resolution, because litigation can become exceedingly costly. Depending on the amount of money involved in the case, an early resolution might be the most beneficial for most parties. Your attorney can help you determine which solution is right for you.
An experienced personal law attorney can make all the difference in your personal injury case. For more information about personal injury law, or to obtain the best legal representation for your personal injury case, contact us at LeBaron & Jensen today!
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