There are more people on the road than ever before. As such, there are also more aggressive drivers and road ragers than ever before. However, while it may be tempting to blare your horn at someone who cut you off or give someone the finger, it’s important to keep your cool while driving. Aggressive driving and road rage alike put both you and everyone else on the road at risk.
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, nearly 80% of drivers express significant anger, aggression, or even road rage. In order to keep the roads safer, you must do what you can to follow traffic laws and be considerate of everyone else on the road. Here is what you need to know about aggressive driving vs road rage, why this is so dangerous, tactics to avoid road rage, and more.

Aggressive Driving Vs Road Rage
While people tend to use aggressive driving and road rage as interchangeable terms, there are actually differences between the two.
About Aggressive Driving
You can be an aggressive driver without being a road rager. Examples of aggressive driving include:
- Tailgating
- Cutting in front of other drivers then slowing down
- Speeding up so other drivers can’t pass you
- Passing in front of other vehicles at less than a car length
- Changing lanes without enough space between cars
- Changing lanes without signaling
- Using your headlights or brakes to “punish” other drivers
- Weaving in and out of traffic, especially when combined with failure to signal lane changes and speeding
- Speeding, especially in heavy traffic
- Running red lights
About Road Rage
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, road rage is when drivers commit moving traffic offenses that endanger other people or property, such as an assault with a motor vehicle or dangerous weapon by the operator of one vehicle against the operator of another.
Examples of road rage include:
- Making rude/obscene gestures at other drivers
- Throwing objects
- Ramming
- Sideswiping
- Forcing other drivers off the road
Factors That Contribute To Road Rage
Studies have found that road ragers tend to be young and male, with the average age being 33 and about 96.6% of ragers being men. However, many people are guilty of aggressive driving and may even road rage, regardless of age or gender.
Many people who are susceptible to raging on the road are under undue stress in other areas of their life. They may have personal matters going on. They may have unresolved anger issues. They may be running late.
Heavy traffic, traffic delays, and running late are all contributing factors to road rage incidents. So too is anonymity. People tend to “thingify” other drivers, rather than seeing them as other people. If people don’t recognize the humanity of other drivers or believe that they won’t run into those drivers again, they are more likely to be aggressive and engage in risky behaviors while driving.

Are You Driving Aggressively?
Some questions to ask yourself to determine if you are driving too aggressively include:
- Do you speed up when you notice someone trying to merge into your lane or pass you?
- Do you tailgate and/or honk at drivers you believe are going too slow?
- Do you often speed and/or try to “beat” red lights?
- Do you use your headlights or horn to “punish” other drivers?
- Do you change lanes without using your turn signal?
- Do you not allow adequate space between cars, either while driving or when changing lanes?
- Do you make rude or obscene gestures at other drivers you believe have wronged you?
- Do you fail to yield right of way?
- Do you cut off other vehicles?
- Do you slam the brakes in front of tailgaters?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you are driving too aggressively and need to be more mindful in order to keep the road a safer place.
The Dangers Of Road Rage

Just because aggressive driving is common doesn’t mean it is safe or in any way okay. Aggressive driving increases the risk of accidents, which puts everyone on the road in danger. When rage escalates out of control, the rager may become violent.
Additionally, people who experience road rage may be at increased risk of health risks associated with high levels of anger, tension, and stress.
Tactics To Avoid Road Rage
There are a few different ways you can avoid becoming aggressive on the road.
- First, you can recognize the humanity of other drivers. These are not just cars around you, these are other people with their own lives going on. Someone driving very slow may be a student just learning how to drive. Someone being reckless may be trying to rush to the hospital to see a sick or injured loved one.
- Second, you can leave earlier than usual. When you allot more time for driving rather than running out the door late, you are less likely to feel upset when you hit heavy traffic or encounter frustrating situations.
- Third, you can partake in relaxing activities, like breathing exercises, listening to calming music or an interesting podcast or audiobook, and even utilizing therapy techniques, like making a game out of counting the “idiots” you see on the road.
- Fourth, ensure that you are always following the rules of the road. They are there for a reason. You must let other people merge, use your turn signals, obey speed limits, maintain appropriate following distances, and more.
If you struggle with anger management, therapy is a useful tool that can help you regain control over your emotions.
Tactics For If You Encounter An Aggressive Driver
If you encounter aggressive drivers or road ragers, it may be tempting to respond to aggression with aggression, however, this typically only escalates the situation and makes it worse.
- First, be sure that you are following the rules of the road. This includes letting people merge, letting people pass you, obeying the speed limit, not using your horn unless you must (like if someone doesn’t go when the light turns green), and the like.
- Remaining calm and courteous of other drivers. Not taking other drivers’ actions personally is crucial to avoid unpleasant encounters.
- Don’t respond to aggression with aggression.
- If you feel like you are in danger, drive to the nearest police station or a well-lit public place. Keep your doors locked and call 9-1-1 if you feel threatened.
Can You Sue Someone For Road Rage?
You can sue someone for road rage if their rage resulted in an accident, injuries, or property damage. LeBaron & Jensen provides representations to victims of auto accidents. Contact us today to schedule your free case consultation and to learn how our personal injury attorneys can help you achieve the compensation you deserve.