Risk of Young Drivers in Utah
Drivers between the ages of 15-24 years old in 2014:
- Were a part of 21,549 motor vehicle crashes. From those crashes there were 10,316 people injured and 74 deaths.
- Were only 19% of licensed drivers in Utah, but are involved in 40% of all motor vehicle accidents.
- Were in a crash every 24 minutes in Utah.
In Utah these are the contributing factors of crashes with drivers between the ages of 15-24
There is a trend of high crash rates and young drivers, could this come from a lack of driving experience?
Crashes involving a 15-24 year old driver:
- Tailgaiting (28%)
- Failed to Yield Right of Way (23%)
- Drive too fast (13%)
- Driver Distraction (13%)
- Failure to keep in proper lane (11%)
Fatal Crashes involving a 15-24 year old driver:
- Speeding (33%)
- Failure to keep in the right lane (13%)
- Driving under the influence (14%)
- Overcorrecting (13%)
- Distracted driving (11%)